Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Its a beautiful Easter day, and Isabella is enjoying her fathers 4 day weekend. Primroses are blooming in most yards around the city. White and yellow tree blossoms are also starting to bloom. We had a wonderful visit from Auntie Alyssha last week. We went to Luzern for Isabella's first real travel. The city is beautifully surrounded by blue water and white mountains. There is a large pedestrian only area that runs along the river as it comes out of the lake. And unlike Zurich, they seem to care about the outside of the buildings as well as the inside, and most are covered with colorful frescos.

1 comment:

lornahayden said...

Now that she is older,your predictions concerning Isabella were obviously precise. She has all the markings of a genius and supermodel. At least Nana thinks so.